Tuesday, April 3, 2012


2 Weeks Old

I can not believe that Abigail is 2 weeks old! She is truly amazing! So far, she has been a busy young lady! She has had two doctor's appointments, hosted her first baby shower and has had so many visitors!

Height and Weight

At Birth (March 19th) - 7 lbs 9 oz - 21 inches long

At 1st doctor's appointment (March 23rd) - 6 lbs 9oz - 21 inches long

At 2nd doctor's appointment (April 2nd) - 7 lb 13 oz - 21 inches long

She gained over 40 grams per day in her second week (20-30 is average). The first week was rough, as my milk had not come in yet. However, now that my milk has come in, we have a happy healthy girl on our hands!

Clothes and Diaper sizes:

Abigail is ideally in newborn clothes, as they still fit her best. However, we are sticking compromising and having her float in some 0-3month clothes because I do not want to waste money on clothes she will outgrow in a couple of days.

She is currently wearing NewBorn diapers.


This has been a rollercoaster ride! The first week was TERRIBLE, as my milk did not come in for almost 5 full days! However, this last week has been great! We started using the babywise schedule a few days ago and she is already doing great at night! She has had 4 nights of doing very well! Those nights, she goes to bed around 10:30pm and sleeps until about 2:30am. Then she wakes up to feed, burp and change and goes back to sleep until about 7 or 8am! I am hoping that with the babywise schedule, these nights continue!


During the day, Abigail is getting fed every 3 hours. I am happy with how she is doing. Breast feeding on the right side was a challenge at first, but now everything is great! I am pumping as well to try to store up some milk for date nights etc!


*Doing great with tummy time. She uses her legs a lot and gets up so high that you can see under her belly!

*Rolled over from tummy to back 4/2/12

* She is doing great at holding her head up when being held

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