Sunday, April 15, 2012

Laughter and Fun!

She is still being a fabulous sleeper. We have been spending days significantly more off schedule, however, it is not really effecting her night time sleep. Which makes for a very happy mommy!

Feeding her is becoming much less painful. This is such a blessing! I felt bad when I would dread feeding her. Now, it is more enjoyable spending the bonding time with her. We have 14 bottles saved up, however, we have used three bottles this week!

*First time in the boppy - 4.11.12 - She is not quite ready for it, but I thought I would try. I would say by the end of this week she will be great!
*First time being fed a bottle by Daddy! 4.12.12 - We were so nervous because friends are having challenges with their baby taking the bottle, however, Abigail could care less! She loves it. However, she is eating 5-6 ounces like it is nothing! It makes me nervous that I am not feeding her enough when breast feeding.
*First Birthday Dinner- 4.13.12 - We first went to the Maximus awards ceremony where all the staff got to meet her. She is a very loved little girl! In between, we went to Christine's parent's house where she "hung out" with Ella. Then we went to Lazy Dog cafe for Christine's 26th birthday. Abigail slept through the whole thing.
* First Birthday Party - 4.14.12 - We went as a family to Gavin Pulisic's 2nd birthday party at the fun zone. Though I do not ever want her to grow, I am looking forward to the time where she can run around and play!
*First babysitting experience -4.14.12 - Kenny Wiksell bought a house and had a housewarming party. Jeff and his girlfriend joined us at the party and then took Abigail for 3 hours in the evening, so Bryan and I could enjoy a little more of the party. Jeff was in heaven! Abigail pooped on him, rolled over for them, and took the bottle like an angel. :)
*First time rolling over for others - 4.14.12 - She rolled over for Jeff and Michelle 2 times when they babysat her!

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