Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Who knew so much could happen in two weeks!

Wow! So much has happened since the last blog entry! We have had her one month doctor's appointment, her first trip to Sacramento, her Grandma's 50th birthday and much much more!

One Month Check up - 
The doctor is surprised at how strong she is. She is fully rolling over and able to use her leg muscles to hold her self up standing (obviously we are holding her and balancing her)
Weight - 9lbs (In the 25th percentile)
Length - 21.5 inches (Between 25-50th percentile)
Head - 14.5 inches (In the 25th percentile)
She is a healthy and happy baby!

Trip to Sacramento -
This was a wonderful trip! We left on Friday afternoon and she did SO well on her drive! We managed to keep her on her schedule which was perfect! Saturday morning, we went to my dad's house to celebrate Nana's 74th birthday and allow the family to meet little Abigail. She is adored by so many!
Then, we went to my mom's house to get ready for her 50th birthday extravaganza! We had a blast and she got to meet her other two great Grandmas. Abigail was great at the party, sleeping through the beginning and waking up to feed and get some love from everybody! On the way home from the party, I got mastitis terribly bad and ended up at urgent care the following morning. Sunday morning, Abigail had a photo shoot with Dani and Aunt Kim. We had a brunch (while I was in urgent care) where Abigail got to meet the last of the Great Grandmas, Grandma Rouze.

Feeding/Sleeping - 
She is amazing! Still doing well on the bottle or the boob. As of this week, she is going to bed around 10pm and sleeping until 5am, and then sleeping again from 6-9am. She is an ANGEL!

Milestones - 
*She is able to hold her weight up when she stands
*She is getting babysat by Sarah Wilson tonight for 7 hours while we go to the Laker Game
*First trip to Sacremento
*She hit her one month birthday!

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