Tuesday, May 22, 2012

2 Month Dr visit and more!

Abigail's Happenings - 

* First time in a pool - 4/29/12 (Photo with Bryan at Kenny's house)
*First time in a hotel - 5/3/12-5/6/12 - We went to Laguna Beach with the Adams (Family photo and sunglasses)
*Abigail was awake at church listening to worship (Pink Bow)
*First Mother's Day 5/13/12 - Abigail woke me up with coffee, flowers and presents. We went to church, brunch and then dinner with Granna at the assisted living home. It was SO SO SO Special
*Second trip to Sacramento for Kristin's graduation. 5/19/12 She also turned 2 months old while there.
*Meeting Stevie, Easton and Cohen for the first time.

Two Month Check up - (5.22.12)

Weight - 10 lb 10 oz (25th percentile)
Height - 23 Inches (75th percentile)
Head - 15.5 cm
Abigail's doctor says she is at least 1-2 months ahead developmentally. He is very impressed with her ability to stand up, hold her head up, recognize voices and smile, focus in on what she is looking at etc. He says at this point we just need to continue doing what we are doing. She is advanced and just perfect!

Mothers Day - 

My first mothers day was so special! We woke up with Coffee and presents. We then went to church and then out to brunch with Michelle and Jeff. Later on we went walking downtown looking at thrift stores. We later took Granna Woodranch dinner at her assisted living home.

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