Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Funny Girl

Funny Girl!

Abigail is always cracking me up! She is getting more expressive with her funny faces and little coo noises. I love her more every day!

Growing girl -
She is officially in size 1 diapers! Such a big girl! She is also able to wear 0-3 month old clothes. Though, they are still big on her, which makes me happy. But, her 5 newborn outfits were getting boring, so we are happy to have more wardrobe choices. :)

Sleeping -
Last night she slept for 6 hours in a row! The doctors say not to let her sleep this long, but, she is so comfy and happy and is not waking up starving. So, I am just going to let her do her thing!

Memories -
I remember the first week, we struggled so badly with her not wanting to be put down. Now, she is completely content laying on her back or on her tummy without us. This is a great thing, but also a little sad for me.

Milestones -
* She rolled over from stomach to back two times on 4.9.12
* She is officially in Size 1 Diapers
* She is now focusing very well. She is also liking to read with me. The Letters book in the picture is her favorite! She focuses throughout the entire book.

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