Thursday, April 5, 2012

17 days old

17 days old!!!

Sleeping -

Last night was a great night for little miss Abigail. She is on her 5th night in a row of only waking up one time throughout the night! Mama is happy! Bryan went back to work this Monday, so it is very nice that he is able to sleep throughout the entire night as well. We have been swaddeling her, putting on music and allowing her to fall asleep on her own. She is such a big girl! Last night was the first night she slept in her crib the entire night. I am so proud of her!

Feeding -

She is doing very well with feeding still! I am convinced that the babywise schedule is the way to go! She is a happy little lady!

Milestones -

* Her belly button fell off on 4/4/12
* First night sleeping in crib on 4/4/12
* She is responding to me with smiles and different faces
* She is getting great at focusing on our faces when we talk to her

Memory -

I am loving watching Bryan as a daddy. He is teaching her all about life. Chatting with her when he gets home from work and making sure she is cheering for the lakers! Last night she sat on his lap and watched the game (was intrigued by the lights one the TV, though bryan insists she is watching) while Bryan explained who all of the players were etc.

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