Friday, July 15, 2011

We are Pregnant!

After a wonderful 4th of July week in Texas with the Adams Family we came home to find out the best news of our life! Walking into the house after the flight, I went straight to the restroom to take a pregnancy test.

As you can tell by the title of the blog, the test came out positive! We immediately called our good friends and neighbors to get a second test to confirm. We are so blessed to have neighbors who love us enough to give us a second test at 11:30pm. I drank more water than I thought was humanly possible and after the second test came back, our dreams were confirmed! There is a little bean in my belly!

Bryan and I can not stop talking about names and the baby things that go along with this.

How Far Along: 6 weeks

Baby Size: The size of a Sweet Pea!

Development: Baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and chin. Those little hands and feet -- still webbed like paddles -- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating, and blood is circulating.

Weight Gain: So far I have lost 2 lbs. I will treasure seeing this number on the scale while I can!

Food Cravings/Aversions: Right now, I have more aversions than cravings. I even have hated my favorite Frozen Yogurt, pasta dishes, chicken. I am craving Jamba Juice and anything Fruity.

What Im Looking forward to: Everything! I am looking forward to looking like I am pregnant. I am looking forward to seeing the ultrasound on Monday! I am looking forward to watching Bryan as a daddy. He will be the best.

How I Feel: I am feeling so sleepy. I am lucky if I stay awake past 9 or 9:30pm. I have only gotten sick 2 times, both while brushing my teeth. Overall, I feel pretty good. If only they could institute nap time at work, life would be perfect!

What I look like: The same as before pregnancy, with slightly sleepier eyes.

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