Sunday, April 15, 2012

Laughter and Fun!

She is still being a fabulous sleeper. We have been spending days significantly more off schedule, however, it is not really effecting her night time sleep. Which makes for a very happy mommy!

Feeding her is becoming much less painful. This is such a blessing! I felt bad when I would dread feeding her. Now, it is more enjoyable spending the bonding time with her. We have 14 bottles saved up, however, we have used three bottles this week!

*First time in the boppy - 4.11.12 - She is not quite ready for it, but I thought I would try. I would say by the end of this week she will be great!
*First time being fed a bottle by Daddy! 4.12.12 - We were so nervous because friends are having challenges with their baby taking the bottle, however, Abigail could care less! She loves it. However, she is eating 5-6 ounces like it is nothing! It makes me nervous that I am not feeding her enough when breast feeding.
*First Birthday Dinner- 4.13.12 - We first went to the Maximus awards ceremony where all the staff got to meet her. She is a very loved little girl! In between, we went to Christine's parent's house where she "hung out" with Ella. Then we went to Lazy Dog cafe for Christine's 26th birthday. Abigail slept through the whole thing.
* First Birthday Party - 4.14.12 - We went as a family to Gavin Pulisic's 2nd birthday party at the fun zone. Though I do not ever want her to grow, I am looking forward to the time where she can run around and play!
*First babysitting experience -4.14.12 - Kenny Wiksell bought a house and had a housewarming party. Jeff and his girlfriend joined us at the party and then took Abigail for 3 hours in the evening, so Bryan and I could enjoy a little more of the party. Jeff was in heaven! Abigail pooped on him, rolled over for them, and took the bottle like an angel. :)
*First time rolling over for others - 4.14.12 - She rolled over for Jeff and Michelle 2 times when they babysat her!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Funny Girl

Funny Girl!

Abigail is always cracking me up! She is getting more expressive with her funny faces and little coo noises. I love her more every day!

Growing girl -
She is officially in size 1 diapers! Such a big girl! She is also able to wear 0-3 month old clothes. Though, they are still big on her, which makes me happy. But, her 5 newborn outfits were getting boring, so we are happy to have more wardrobe choices. :)

Sleeping -
Last night she slept for 6 hours in a row! The doctors say not to let her sleep this long, but, she is so comfy and happy and is not waking up starving. So, I am just going to let her do her thing!

Memories -
I remember the first week, we struggled so badly with her not wanting to be put down. Now, she is completely content laying on her back or on her tummy without us. This is a great thing, but also a little sad for me.

Milestones -
* She rolled over from stomach to back two times on 4.9.12
* She is officially in Size 1 Diapers
* She is now focusing very well. She is also liking to read with me. The Letters book in the picture is her favorite! She focuses throughout the entire book.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy 1st Easter!

Abigail's First Easter

Typically it is our tradition to head up to Sacramento for Easter. But, Abigail's doctor recommended we not bring her around large groups with children. So, we decided to stay home. We started the morning with her not wanting to wake up. I love her faces when she is waking up. One of my favorite things is kidding that stretch face!!!

We then met Catherine, Matt, Dylan and Gavin at church. Abigail slept through church. We have been going to Ventura Missionary Church and really love it! We then went to brunch at the Watermark with Jeff, Michelle and Granna. I enjoyed that a lot. Abigail was great and stayed awake for the entire lunch. Everybody enjoyed her fun faces and noises.

The rest of the day was filled with relaxation. I made a reduced fat -weight watchers style banana pudding. It was nothing like Nana's, but it did the trick to give me a little taste of home.

I have a real angel! Abigail is doing so well with her schedule. She is sleeping 5-6 hours for the first part of the night and then an additional 3-4 hours for the second half. She is doing great at putting herself to sleep. We swaddle her and put her down when she is still awake and she has been doing great at putting herself to sleep.
She is still doing well. We are thinking of trying a bottle soon! I am still pumping and have 11 bottles worth saved up. :) Ready for some date nights!

We tried a size 1 diaper on her and it almost fits! She is growing so quickly!

My weight loss
Well, I am embarrassed to say that I gained 44 lbs during the pregnancy. Bryan and I have been doing weight watchers, and so far, I have lost 23 lbs! 21 more to go! I am struggling mentally with my body and my weight gain and stretch marks. However, I have to keep reminding myself how special abigail is and she is SO SO SO worth it!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

17 days old

17 days old!!!

Sleeping -

Last night was a great night for little miss Abigail. She is on her 5th night in a row of only waking up one time throughout the night! Mama is happy! Bryan went back to work this Monday, so it is very nice that he is able to sleep throughout the entire night as well. We have been swaddeling her, putting on music and allowing her to fall asleep on her own. She is such a big girl! Last night was the first night she slept in her crib the entire night. I am so proud of her!

Feeding -

She is doing very well with feeding still! I am convinced that the babywise schedule is the way to go! She is a happy little lady!

Milestones -

* Her belly button fell off on 4/4/12
* First night sleeping in crib on 4/4/12
* She is responding to me with smiles and different faces
* She is getting great at focusing on our faces when we talk to her

Memory -

I am loving watching Bryan as a daddy. He is teaching her all about life. Chatting with her when he gets home from work and making sure she is cheering for the lakers! Last night she sat on his lap and watched the game (was intrigued by the lights one the TV, though bryan insists she is watching) while Bryan explained who all of the players were etc.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


2 Weeks Old

I can not believe that Abigail is 2 weeks old! She is truly amazing! So far, she has been a busy young lady! She has had two doctor's appointments, hosted her first baby shower and has had so many visitors!

Height and Weight

At Birth (March 19th) - 7 lbs 9 oz - 21 inches long

At 1st doctor's appointment (March 23rd) - 6 lbs 9oz - 21 inches long

At 2nd doctor's appointment (April 2nd) - 7 lb 13 oz - 21 inches long

She gained over 40 grams per day in her second week (20-30 is average). The first week was rough, as my milk had not come in yet. However, now that my milk has come in, we have a happy healthy girl on our hands!

Clothes and Diaper sizes:

Abigail is ideally in newborn clothes, as they still fit her best. However, we are sticking compromising and having her float in some 0-3month clothes because I do not want to waste money on clothes she will outgrow in a couple of days.

She is currently wearing NewBorn diapers.


This has been a rollercoaster ride! The first week was TERRIBLE, as my milk did not come in for almost 5 full days! However, this last week has been great! We started using the babywise schedule a few days ago and she is already doing great at night! She has had 4 nights of doing very well! Those nights, she goes to bed around 10:30pm and sleeps until about 2:30am. Then she wakes up to feed, burp and change and goes back to sleep until about 7 or 8am! I am hoping that with the babywise schedule, these nights continue!


During the day, Abigail is getting fed every 3 hours. I am happy with how she is doing. Breast feeding on the right side was a challenge at first, but now everything is great! I am pumping as well to try to store up some milk for date nights etc!


*Doing great with tummy time. She uses her legs a lot and gets up so high that you can see under her belly!

*Rolled over from tummy to back 4/2/12

* She is doing great at holding her head up when being held