Friday, February 22, 2013

11 Months

11 Months!

Holy Cow! We have an 11 month old! I just ordered her the cutest outfit for her 1st birthday! We are taking her to DIsneyland!

Her milestones:

 - Loves to eat (and throw food to the dog) Tofu is a favorite. Loves oranges, bananas, blueberry, turkey. Abigail is a great eater!
- Everything is turning into a walker. She pushes tables, chairs, high chairs and rocking snail around.
- She took 3 steps today!!!
- She can let go of the table to stand, but has yet to get herself to a standing position without a table. Though, I think this is coming within a day or two.
- She has two bottom teeth.
- Size 4 diapers
- Still napping 2 naps 9:30-11 and 2-4pm. Then sleeps from 7:30-6:30 or 7am
- Abigail LOVES dogs and all animals
- She loves books. Her two favorites are "Giraffes can't dance" and "Princess Baby"
- We just got a swing in the backyard and she loves it
- Katie moved in and she loves to push Auntie Tooty's buttons on her laptop
- She has found her voice! She is squeeeling like crazy!

( 9 month check up)

(Abigail's First Christmas)

(We have a zoo pass. 10 Months old)

(11 months old)

(First Valentine's day)
9 Month Check up -
Weight -  18 lb 1 oz - 50th Percentile
Height - 28.5 inches - 85th percentile
Head 17.75

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Almost 6 months

Abigail  is crawling bad form, but seriously mobile.
- Today she went from crawling to sitting
- She sucked on Pizza
- She loves Kale, Asparagus, Sweet Potato and rice cereal
- She said, MAMA!!!! Her first word! She said it the other day, but It is now confirmed  and caught on video!
- She has been sitting up for a few weeks

Sunday, July 22, 2012

4 month check up

Well, our girl is officially rolling all over the place! She loves to stand against the arm of the couch and sit up with some help.
We have tried formula a few times, as I am potentially going back to work soon and I am not sure how pumping will go.

Dr's update:
- 13 lb 1 oz (Almost 50th percentile)
- 25 inches long (75th percentile)
- She is hitting all of the milestones that she should be hitting at her 6 month check up. She is advanced and healthy!
- The doctor has said we can start solids anytime we are comfortable.

Monday, July 2, 2012

3 Months and More!

3 Months and more!

Well, I am officially terrible at blogging. So, I am just going to do a quick run down of all that has happened.

- At 2.5 months (June 6th), Abigail got her first cold. She went to the doctor and she weighed 11lb 4 oz.
- Abigail's first trip to Hawaii - June 10-17. We had an AMAZING time! Abigail did very well. She did the best at the pool. Bryan woke up every morning to get the good spot with an umbrella so baby girl could have shade. We enjoyed fabulous dinners, a luau, swimming with the turtles and more!
- First Father's Day. She made bryan a photo collage with her foot prints and got him a massage.
- Got a stand up bouncer toy and LOVES it! We cant keep her on her sitting, as she will stiff leg you and make you help her stand.
- She loves standing while leaning against the couch.
- She rolled over with out getting her arms caught (Back to tummy) July 2nd
- She now pulls ruca's hair and gets so excited when ruca walks by.
- She LAUGHS! This is the BEST! Her first time was in Hawaii! Who else can say that they learned to laugh in Hawaii!
- First time to the Zoo with the Pulisic boys - June 27th.

I have so many photos, that I am overwhelmed. I will do another blog entry with all of the photos later.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

2 Month Dr visit and more!

Abigail's Happenings - 

* First time in a pool - 4/29/12 (Photo with Bryan at Kenny's house)
*First time in a hotel - 5/3/12-5/6/12 - We went to Laguna Beach with the Adams (Family photo and sunglasses)
*Abigail was awake at church listening to worship (Pink Bow)
*First Mother's Day 5/13/12 - Abigail woke me up with coffee, flowers and presents. We went to church, brunch and then dinner with Granna at the assisted living home. It was SO SO SO Special
*Second trip to Sacramento for Kristin's graduation. 5/19/12 She also turned 2 months old while there.
*Meeting Stevie, Easton and Cohen for the first time.

Two Month Check up - (5.22.12)

Weight - 10 lb 10 oz (25th percentile)
Height - 23 Inches (75th percentile)
Head - 15.5 cm
Abigail's doctor says she is at least 1-2 months ahead developmentally. He is very impressed with her ability to stand up, hold her head up, recognize voices and smile, focus in on what she is looking at etc. He says at this point we just need to continue doing what we are doing. She is advanced and just perfect!

Mothers Day - 

My first mothers day was so special! We woke up with Coffee and presents. We then went to church and then out to brunch with Michelle and Jeff. Later on we went walking downtown looking at thrift stores. We later took Granna Woodranch dinner at her assisted living home.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Forgot some major milestones!

*First time to the beach - She has now been three times this week because I found a 3 mile path that I love to walk. Ruca struggles with the whole three miles, hence the photo.
*First time in a swimming pool - 4.29.12 She went in the spa and LOVED it!
*She is doing better in the bumbo chair
*First Facetime with Easton - 4/26/12

Who knew so much could happen in two weeks!

Wow! So much has happened since the last blog entry! We have had her one month doctor's appointment, her first trip to Sacramento, her Grandma's 50th birthday and much much more!

One Month Check up - 
The doctor is surprised at how strong she is. She is fully rolling over and able to use her leg muscles to hold her self up standing (obviously we are holding her and balancing her)
Weight - 9lbs (In the 25th percentile)
Length - 21.5 inches (Between 25-50th percentile)
Head - 14.5 inches (In the 25th percentile)
She is a healthy and happy baby!

Trip to Sacramento -
This was a wonderful trip! We left on Friday afternoon and she did SO well on her drive! We managed to keep her on her schedule which was perfect! Saturday morning, we went to my dad's house to celebrate Nana's 74th birthday and allow the family to meet little Abigail. She is adored by so many!
Then, we went to my mom's house to get ready for her 50th birthday extravaganza! We had a blast and she got to meet her other two great Grandmas. Abigail was great at the party, sleeping through the beginning and waking up to feed and get some love from everybody! On the way home from the party, I got mastitis terribly bad and ended up at urgent care the following morning. Sunday morning, Abigail had a photo shoot with Dani and Aunt Kim. We had a brunch (while I was in urgent care) where Abigail got to meet the last of the Great Grandmas, Grandma Rouze.

Feeding/Sleeping - 
She is amazing! Still doing well on the bottle or the boob. As of this week, she is going to bed around 10pm and sleeping until 5am, and then sleeping again from 6-9am. She is an ANGEL!

Milestones - 
*She is able to hold her weight up when she stands
*She is getting babysat by Sarah Wilson tonight for 7 hours while we go to the Laker Game
*First trip to Sacremento
*She hit her one month birthday!