Friday, February 22, 2013

11 Months

11 Months!

Holy Cow! We have an 11 month old! I just ordered her the cutest outfit for her 1st birthday! We are taking her to DIsneyland!

Her milestones:

 - Loves to eat (and throw food to the dog) Tofu is a favorite. Loves oranges, bananas, blueberry, turkey. Abigail is a great eater!
- Everything is turning into a walker. She pushes tables, chairs, high chairs and rocking snail around.
- She took 3 steps today!!!
- She can let go of the table to stand, but has yet to get herself to a standing position without a table. Though, I think this is coming within a day or two.
- She has two bottom teeth.
- Size 4 diapers
- Still napping 2 naps 9:30-11 and 2-4pm. Then sleeps from 7:30-6:30 or 7am
- Abigail LOVES dogs and all animals
- She loves books. Her two favorites are "Giraffes can't dance" and "Princess Baby"
- We just got a swing in the backyard and she loves it
- Katie moved in and she loves to push Auntie Tooty's buttons on her laptop
- She has found her voice! She is squeeeling like crazy!

( 9 month check up)

(Abigail's First Christmas)

(We have a zoo pass. 10 Months old)

(11 months old)

(First Valentine's day)
9 Month Check up -
Weight -  18 lb 1 oz - 50th Percentile
Height - 28.5 inches - 85th percentile
Head 17.75

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